
Title Published Date Author Hits
The Ad Hoc Committee should resume work for the Electoral Reform without delay 24 September 2016 KZLN 7025
Koalicioni për Zgjedhje të Lira e të Ndershme dhe për Demokraci të Qendrueshme parashtron sugjerimet për reformën zgjedhore: nevoja për rritjen e pavarësisë së organeve të administrimit zgjedhor 20 September 2016 KZLN 6724
The Comprehensive Reform a Necessity The Electoral Administration should be freed from the Influence of the Political Parties 15 September 2016 KZLN 7726
The Coalition for Free and Fair Elections and Sustainable Democracy calls on Members of Parliament to vote in favor of the Justice System Reform 18 July 2016 KZLN 6662
CFFE Press Statement in the framework of the Election Situation Room “The Election Room for the Electoral Reform” 04 June 2016 KZLN 7160
STATEMENT - ”The Electoral Reform serving the Aim of Free and Fair Elections” 24 May 2016 KZLN 6814
Press Statement - CFFE monitors elections in Public Institutions of Higher Education 18 April 2016 KZLN 6836
Reflections following the first meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee on Electoral Reform 15 March 2016 KZLN 6848
Appeal for a Comprehensive Electoral Reform 21 January 2016 KZLN 7963
Appeal for Albanian legislators who hold in their hands the inception of the judiciary reform 07 January 2016 KZLN 7811
Deklaratë e Përbashkët e Dhomës Zgjedhore 15 December 2015 KZLN 7096
Preliminary statement on local elections 2015 22 June 2015 KZLN 7145
Press Release - CFFESD presents the preliminary report on Election Day of 21 June 2015 22 June 2015 KZLN 7125
CFFESD Press Release on First Part of the Election Day Processes 21 June 2015 KZLN 7181
Press Release on the Opening of Voting Centers - 21 June 2015 21 June 2015 KZLN 7100
Press Release - First Interim report on Local Election of June 21, 2015 10 June 2015 KZLN 7469
Press release - Kickoff event to present the project for monitoring the 2015 Local Elections in Albania 18 May 2015 KZLN 7003
Press Release - Electoral campaigns must be conducted free of violence, obstruction and intimidation 11 May 2015 KZLN 7383
Press Release - REACT! VOTE! IMPACT! 02 May 2015 KZLN 7192
Statement - Reaction to the CEC members’ approval by the Albanian Parliament 30 January 2015 KZLN 7130